Sunday, April 28, 2013

"Dude.... I'm fucking tired."

That was the response today when Grant was getting a lecture about his lack of communication. He is 17, yet he still gets his phone taken away, he still gets in trouble for petty things at school, and he still makes childish excuses. Today he was being lectured about not keeping in contact, for not informing me he wouldn't be home last night. He said he told his neighbor to tell his mom to tell me. Who does that? That is ridiculous. When I carried on, he continued with the fact he's tired and didn't want to hear it. Now, if he were a hard-working, responsible, and respectable citizen, then I could grant him this wish - to leave him alone until he is rested. But Grant played this card becuase it was convenient. He wouldn't say that if someone invited him to go see some girls or to go do something fun. Conclusion: Grant needs to get this kind of line out of his system. This is an old man's line, not a 17-year old's line. He has energy for everything fun, and that means he has energy to listen to me go off on him for not contacting me last night.

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